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Free and Whole

Elizabeth Strong
Certified Master Splankna Practitioner
Middleburg, PA


Concrete Wall

Together we can work to restore what
feels broken
in you. 

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I am thrilled to partner with the Lord and you in your healing journey.  I would love to help you see yourself the way God sees you: precious, infinitely loved, and whole. 

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened...
...and I will give you rest.    
- Jesus

 Emotional Healing of past and present wounds is made possible through a gentle approach called Splankna Therapy.   Each session compassionately moves clients toward Emotional Freedom and Wholeness through identifying and releasing overwhelming negative emotions that contribute to undesirable symptoms.  Clients are able to embrace freedom from the negative thought and behavior patterns they had previously developed.  Problematic symptoms are often resolved quickly and the client is able to experience improved functioning and new ways of thinking.

Concrete Wall


Inner Healing

Splankna Therapy is a Christian, Biblically sound method of getting to the root of emotionally based problems from the aspect of mind-body psychology. This method uses the same body system as chiropractic care and works to alleviate undesired symptoms, thoughts, emotions, and behavioral patterns by healing the problem at the root. Clients are able to move out of the old ways of thinking and feeling and experience freedom from troubling symptoms. 

Splankna Therapy allows inner healing to occur by combining body, soul, and spirit to resolve emotional trauma. When all these elements are combined, lasting change can be accomplished more quickly. With the fuel of stored negative emotions removed, the destructive emotional, behavioral, and thought patterns are able to be corrected.


"When the
of my issues
finally experienced 
real, lasting transformation."


Feel Empowered

Sometimes you need to release negative emotions that are holding you back. What happens when you need to create new positive emotions to move you forward? We've got you covered.  Through Peak Performance protocols and Creative Emotion protocols, we can identify where you need to add positive emotional and mental changes, improve your overall emotional health, or increase your courage to embrace a new opportunity. 

What could you accomplish if nothing was holding you back?

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I believe there is One God, our Creator. He created

all things that exist. 

I believe He is separate from us and above us.

He is sovereign and good. 

I believe in the inerrancy of the Bible, the written Word of God.

I believe in Jesus Christ, "God in the flesh" who came to earth and lived among us.

I believe Jesus Christ lived a life without sin and freely offered up His life to take the penalty for our sins, in order to redeem us and restore us into a right relationship with God. He died on the cross, arose from the dead 3 days later, and is now alive in Heaven. 

I believe in the Holy Spirit, who is our Comforter, Teacher, and fills us with God's love. 

I believe that God longs to bring us healing and make us whole. He gives us the choice to ask Him and is waiting for us to invite Him to heal.  

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